Week 7 Ideal Audience

Madeleine Sheifer
2 min readMar 21, 2021


When thinking about my ideal audience, an exact replica of my 19-year-old self comes to mind. But as I realized last week, I need to create a readership greater than a four-year-wide age group.

When I reflect on my own relationship with fitness, my transition from practicing athlete to teenage girl trying to maintain an athletic routine strikes me as being the impetus what has since become a multi-year long journey. I also think about my relationship to fitness when I subleased an apartment the summer after my sophomore year in DC while working my first “big girl” job. And I think about how it impacted my initial COVID lockdown in March of last year.

At every new transition in life, my fitness routine, how ever-changing it was, always kept me grounded.

As we spoke about last week, this newsletter will aim to meet the needs of so many people as we’ve learned that at 20-something-years-old, nothing is every really constant for that long. Throughout college and beyond, people are constantly moving, changing jobs, forming widecast nets and so forth. I want to create a newsletter that allows others to be able to find their footing despite every turn their life may take them down.

That being said, my ideal audience is as follows: females roughly ages 18–29, many of whom are former athletes to some degree and want fitness to be a main pillar in their lives. These young women are relatively Type A, highly driven and motivated both athletically but also in their day-to-day routines. I am a firm believer that small actions we take to better ourselves and our lives each day can have a tremendous impact over time.

It is my hope to be able to share what I’ve learned along the way while also keep up with trending topics not limited to maintainable workout routines, recipes for dorms/apartments, diet culture, mindfulness habits, etc.

The more I write about this the more excited I get to actually make this happen. I know I could’ve benefitted from a newsletter like this tremendously four years ago, and I look forward to being able to do the same for others and meeting them at whichever phase in life they may be.



Madeleine Sheifer

Senior at Lehigh University studying journalism, marketing and public health.